An unforgettable and extraordinary experience awaits the visitor.

The Prison Museum contains one of the world’s largest prison collections. Walking through the old state penitentiary’s historic buildings, the museum portrays the 153 years of prison life as seen by both inmates and prison personnel.

Using modern technology the prisoners and guards have moved in again and you sense them out the corner of your eye when they pass by as shadows through the halls, rustle silently on the stairs or knock on the heavy cell doors. You can also see and hear them on screens, in telephones and over intercoms where they tell stories about the big and small things that fill up a prison life. This includes everything from problems related to drugs to the despised weekly fish-day.

One of the most spectacular prison escapes in Denmark has been reconstructed at the museum. Experience the fascinating 18-metre-long escape tunnel which Carl August Lorentzen impressively dug under the prison yard in 1949.

Or get a unique insight with a guided tour and listen to the exciting stories about life in prison and dramatic escape attempts. 

Undoubtedly The Prison Museum is well worth the visit. On the journey through the old penitentiary the guest will feel the peculiar atmosphere present here, creeping under your skin as the museum displays are spiced with sound clips, video and shadow puppetry recorded by real people from the prison world.

CONTACT information

Fussingsvej 8 
8700 Horsens
+45 7610 0011

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